Renewable Energy: an interactive museum of sources! by Case Merrick

Use "A" & "D" or Arrow Keys to walk, press "E" to interact

EXHIBIT 1: National Geographic Renewable Energy 101:

EXHIBIT 2: Renewable Energy TedTalk:

EXHIBIT 3: Catching the Sun, a documentary about solar energy and its uses. 

EXHIBIT 4: Climate and Health Academic Article:

EXHIBIT 5: Build Back Better Act, a large reconciliation plan that involves some money and plans for renewables. 

EXHIBIT 6: The Energy Fair: A Midwestern fair focused on promoting renewables and clean energy.

EXHIBIT 7: Revision Solar: A New England company with a mission to help companies and individuals switch to solar.

EXHIBIT 8: Sustainable Energy – Without the Hot Air: A Free book about sustainable energy, renewables, and how they can work.